Wellpark Reunion 2013 - London

News and Information About the 2013 Reunion

Wellpark 35 year reunion in London!

I'd like to announce the Wellpark 35 year reunion in London! 


When:  Saturday, October 19th, 2013

Where: China Boulevard on the River

            1 The Blvd, Smugglers Way, London

Who:    All Wellpark crew and survivors of the rescue mission in 1978


We also have a new event coordinator for this reunion:  Diep Quan

I'd like to give her a big THANK YOU for volunteering to take on this big responsibility!   She will be updating everyone as the event comes together so be on the lookout for her emails.

While she is finalizing the details, we'd like your help in letting us know ASAP if you are considering attending.  We'd like to get an idea so we can plan accordingly.

We are very excited about this second reunion since many people were unable to attend the 30 year reunion in California in 2008.  There are probably more of us living in or near London than in the U.S. so we anticipate an even larger reunion this time!  Of course we hope to see many from the U.S. as well.  We also hope many more Wellpark crew members will be able to come so that we can thank them in person for their extraordinary kindness and compassionate actions that saved our lives.

I plan to attend along with my family of seven and cannot wait to see you all in person. 

Be sure to let Diep know as soon as possible if you are considering attending. 

Best Regards,

Chi Pham

Views: 151

Comment by George Fink on April 15, 2013 at 12:10pm

Hi Chi/Diep,

I have arranged my next leave to correspond with the event in London in order for me, my wife & daughter to attend. Regards from Lexington KY.

Deck Cadet George Fink

Comment by Chi Pham on April 16, 2013 at 1:26am

Great!  I already booked my trip to be in London in October.  I can't wait to meet you and your family in person.  Chi


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