Thank you for posting the latest video "Vi Tu Do Nguoi Viet Nam Ra Di" or "The Vietnamese leaving their country in search of Freedom" . Watching the video brought back so many memories and tears of the last day in Saigon April 30, 1975 because our family was there trying to leave Viet Nam at the last hours. But we were too late we missed the last flight out of Viet Nam. It was a chaos. I witnessed a young girl fell of a vespa and died when her family was rushing to the embassy to catch the last flight. Her father didn't even notice his little girl was gone.
It also brought back memories of when we escaped Viet Nam three years later on a small boat with 346 strangers in search of freedom. There was a scene people climbing to a big boat reminds me of us that night when Wellpark rescued us.
Thank you for posting the video that related more to home. Chi
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