I've added the timings of the rescue to the pictures that I found in amoungst the stuff Dad kept on the rescue. Didn't know if you had a copy most of it means very little to me as its obviously nautical but I bet you can remember it minute by minute the same as Dad did.
Lonnnnnggg time no speak as (I hate) some people to say! Some of us, most notably Joanne wall, have been working for some time to gather information on the Wellpark rescue and its stories over the next 30 years. I believe you have another painting by A. Cumming of Lenzie, of the rescue. If you can photograph it it would be great to add it to the images and memories we already have. And any other snippets or material, or memoirs you can supply, again, would be much appreciated.
Best regards
At 12:16pm on December 30, 2009, Rory MacLean said…
Alright Skipper? I was lucky enough to have 2 trips in a row with you. All well?
I am Mrs. Sheila Terrault, an aging widow suffering from long time illness (Esophageal Cancer). I have some important information (charity proposal) for you, May God continue to bless you, Please reply (sheilaterrault@gmail.com) for more details.
your sister in the Lord, Mrs. Sheila Terrault.
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Comment Wall (4 comments)
I've added the timings of the rescue to the pictures that I found in amoungst the stuff Dad kept on the rescue. Didn't know if you had a copy most of it means very little to me as its obviously nautical but I bet you can remember it minute by minute the same as Dad did.
Carmel x
Lonnnnnggg time no speak as (I hate) some people to say! Some of us, most notably Joanne wall, have been working for some time to gather information on the Wellpark rescue and its stories over the next 30 years. I believe you have another painting by A. Cumming of Lenzie, of the rescue. If you can photograph it it would be great to add it to the images and memories we already have. And any other snippets or material, or memoirs you can supply, again, would be much appreciated.
Best regards
Hello .
I am Mrs. Sheila Terrault, an aging widow suffering from long time illness (Esophageal Cancer). I have some important information (charity proposal) for you, May God continue to bless you, Please reply (sheilaterrault@gmail.com) for more details.
your sister in the Lord,
Mrs. Sheila Terrault.
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