Wellpark Reunion 2013 - London

News and Information About the 2013 Reunion

Hello all,

Our reunion is coming up in less than 2 weeks. We're getting down to the wire and still so much things to get in order. I'm sure that you all are thrilled as much as I and are looking forward to seeing each other again after all these years.

With that said, I'm assisting with sorting the WP pictures and would like to incorporate your or your family latest pictures for the slide show. For those who regretably unable to join us due to timing/schedule, we would welcome yours as well. Will also need any old photos while we were on Wellpark or in England. I'm sure you had them stored or lying around somewhere. Time is of the essence and I don't want to leave anyone out. Please locate them and post it on this site ASAP so that I can have it complete by this Saturday. If you need to send it privately please send me a message that you need my email address.

I apologize for the late notice as I understand that our lives are driven by this technology age. Look forward to receiving more pictures from you and will seeing some of you soon!

All the best,
Lauren Van

Views: 31

Comment by Marcie Nguyen, aka Vu~Thanh Ha` on September 23, 2008 at 4:08pm

Great job you & anh Sieu did on the slide show. Seeing the pictures already on this website, however I don't think anyone had dried eyes when we saw them again on the show, with music.
I want to check with you on one of the picture in the show. It's a black and white picture of a man climbing up the cargo net ladder. Is he one of us being rescued by the Wellpark crew? Or is it just a "borrowed picture" from many other rescues at sea? Mike got a lot of pitures taken, however I remember he said that the camera jammed when he unwound the film, so what he could salvage of that roll was the pictures taken next morning and in following days. I wonder if anyone else was able to take any picture during the rescue at night.
This black and white picture gave me a flash back all over again. I remember climbing up the same cargo net ladder to the deck of Wellpark. Everything was a blur after 30 years, but this picture really transported me back to that night in October.
I will send you more pictures I got from the days in London for our Memory book.
Take care,
Marcie Ha`


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