Wellpark Reunion 2013 - London

News and Information About the 2013 Reunion

I have just got back from San Diego, Thank you Lauren and Viet for hosting me, I have a lot of memeories to keep now.

I really loved meeting everyone.

You and all the committee did a fantastic job, and the reunion was very very moving. Time to rest now. Hugs Pat

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Absolutely, thank you so much for letting me and my family come to the reunion it was very special and very emotional. I was incredibly moved by the speeches and by the many different ways people ended up on the boat and also what they then went on to do. I found it realy inspirational and I'm really looking forward to the book, I hope there will be a lot more of the stories and memories in it as each and evey one of you have done more in your lietimes than many would do if they were given 10 lifetimes.

I hope you sill stay in touch and once again thank you so much for the exerience it will live with me forever.

Best wishes Carmel -

PS. I have stopped crying now !!
Pat & Carmel:

It was very lovely to meet you and your family in person. We were very glad you could join us, and I am sure Andrew was with us in spirit. I can see so much love you & Carmel have for him, we only wish he could see what he meant to us as well.

Yes, time to rest after an emotional adventure. I hope to see you soon one day in London, your hometown as well as my second "birth place".

Marcie & family.
Thanks Marcie, I've just been putting some pictures onto the site and perhaps I'm beng a little over emotional but the light shining through the circle window behind the stage makes me think that there were a number of people crew and survivors who have passed over that were there with us that afternoon.

Would love to see you in England
Best wishes Carmel xx
He can Marcie, he was with me in spirit, and I bet he was loving every minute. I thought the reunion was fantastic, my only worry was for those who had been planning and working for it..... I thought all the late nights, early mornings etc would make them ill.
All their work made a lot of people happy. It must of helped heal a few bad memories, although nothing will ever take away the trauma of that journey for any of you. Time can only make it slightly less hurtful. By the way I live in the North East of England, not London......I have relatives there but I live in the North East, where we are commonly called 'Geordies'

Hugs Pat
Well done yourself, Pat.

I've just got in the door, down here in the Sunny Dunny, I'll bang out a few more emails to all in the next few days. At this stage, words still fail me, I have to say!

Love to all,

Yes I would like to say thank you to everyone as well for letting me be there. I really enjoyed the reunion and hope we got some good shots - I feel very lucky to have been part of such a special day and hope to make a good record of it. I would like to say thanks to Brooke and Howie for their technical expertise last Sunday. And of course thanks to Thuy and Minh for having me to stay at theirs and their amazing hospitality. And of course Chi and Lauren for helping co-ordinate things and all the long drives we had. It was a pleasure to meet everyone in O.C. - everyone was so kind, friendly and patient. THANK YOU!!
P.S. I love California....if you hear of any jobs..............!
Best Wishes, jo



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