Wellpark Reunion 2013 - London

News and Information About the 2013 Reunion

BBC looking for London contributors

Hi all,
A BBC producer is interested in commissioning a 10-minute documentary film for it's 'Inside Out' strand on the reunion. Vietnamese or crew members who are already planning on going to the reunion (they can't pay for the flights) are sought to be interviewed before and whilst at the reunion in LA. They have to be London-based as it's a London programme and old enough to remember details of the drama.
It will be a fun experience - a chance to tell the Wellpark story to the UK on a Friday night 7pm slot and a chance to get your name up in lights!!

Anyone interested please email me on: joannewall_98@yahoo.com

Thanks very much, Jo

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Hi Jo,

That's excellent! May be you could ask Captain Connell and Mrs. Griffin to see if they are interested.
I am glad that you will be coming in August.


Do you have a contact for the Inside out as I had thought I might contact the North East one

What's the county you live in Carmel?
Tyne and Wear, it's Newcastle basically but the presenter is Chris Jackson. depending on if they did anything but Dad has a bench on the waldridge fells that I thought would make a good shot as on the plaque it says "Andrew David Griffin 1952 - 2006 A Sea Hero, Husbadn, Father and Grandfather"



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