Hi all,
The story of the reunion will be on BBC1 'Inside Out' at 7.30pm on Wednesday...you can watch it if you live in London. If not it should be on their website from Wednesday onwards http://www.bbc.co.uk/insideout/london/
I really hope you like it, especially Huy, Diep and Paul. It was a rush job....they make the stories in 3 days (they had to give me an extra day!). I wish there was more about why you had to leave Vietnam but the bosses didn't seem to want to dwell on it....I suppose for 7.30pm on BBC1 they like to keep it not too political - (they put the heavier stuff on a bit later generally).
Thank you to everyone who was interviewed, filmed, involved.......
Some of you will recognise yourselves from the archive news footage by the way. I think Chi is the girl coming off the coach in London.....there is loads I didn't use, including footage of the Connells and Mike taking one of his photos, and Hieu being interviewed on the Wellpark. I wish I could have used more but 8 minutes was a very short time to fit everything in. Also I just heard BBCNews 24 are going to cut the story down to 2 minutes and show it on that channel too.
Cheers! Jo