Wellpark Reunion 2013 - London

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Thuy Truong
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  • Chi Pham

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Your Name:
Thuy Truong
About Me:
I am living in Washington State, a proud grandma of six beautiful grandchildren.
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Comment Wall (8 comments)

At 6:39am on April 3, 2008, Thuy Truong said…
Dear Chi,

I am so impressed about your website. The valuable pictures bring back my memory, my emotion. It is unbelievable it has been 30 years.

When I talked to you on the phone the other night, in my mind, a picture of a 14 year old girl. And your voice was the same as it was 30 years ago, no change at all.

I will write more later. Just want to jot a few line so you know who I am when looking at my picture.

Co Thuy.
At 10:45am on April 3, 2008, Mike Newton said…
Congratulations on becoming the 50th member to join the site. I hope you will reach out to other friends and relatives to encourage them to join too. Please search the photos and see if you can find your face. Add a comment to say which is you so that we can remember you from Wellpark days.
At 12:35am on April 17, 2008, Chi Pham said…
Hi co Thuy,

I am so proud to have you on the site and very surpise that you are so high tech. You already had your picture up when sign in to the site while the younger generation still trying to figure out how to post their pictures up. Co Nghiem still trying to figure out how to use her cell phone. I hope with your live experience you can help and guide us to improve the site. I can't wait to see your entire family of 13 people at the reunion. Chi
At 11:55am on May 7, 2008, Christine Nghia Vu said…
Chi Thuy,

While I was looking for picture yesterday, my computer was down so I didn't get a chance to send it to you. I will do so today. I always ask about you until this day through my sister Nghiem. Hopefully we will see each other soon with our families. Chi THUY yeu oi, " co noi cung khon cung "
At 2:13pm on May 13, 2008, Christine Nghia Vu said…

These 4 gorgeous girls will be reunited on August 31.
At 2:17pm on May 13, 2008, Christine Nghia Vu said…

At 12:30am on September 3, 2008, Thuy Pham AKA Bich Thuy said…
Hi Co Thuy,

I hope you, Trang and Thao enjoyed the reunion. It was really great to meet you, your daughters and their families. You have not change much.

Thao's speech was touching. I am sorry we did not have a chance to chat long as it was so hectic.

At 3:30am on December 23, 2020, Sheila Terrault said…

Hello .

I am Mrs. Sheila Terrault, an aging widow suffering from long time illness (Esophageal Cancer). I have some important information (charity proposal) for you, May God continue to bless you, Please reply (sheilaterrault@gmail.com) for more details.

your sister in the Lord,
Mrs. Sheila Terrault.

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