Wellpark Reunion 2013 - London

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Your Name:
hong thi nguyen
About Me:
i am 55 year of age. i have been married for nearly 30 years to my husband, who escaped Vietnam on the same tiny boat with me. i have one daughter, she is 24 years old.
UK is my second homeland for the last 30 years. both my husband and I have been working with the Vietnamese refugee community for the best part of our life in UK.
we have been keeping in touch with Captain Hector Connell, the Captain of the vessel that had rescued 342 Vietnamese that escaped VN on the 20 meter wooden boat in South China sea in October 1978.
When i first saw the ship Well Park, it seemed like an island illuminating by brilliant light, which in Vietnamese means "dao anh sang". This impression seems to be remaining with me today and probably until my dying day. i don't know why i got that first impression, light means hope i guess. i am not supertitous however i believe that all 342 Well Park rescuees, stranger from one another, but all shared the same fate, Well Park fate. i trust that the younger generation of Well Park would help to keep up the Well Park tradition, join force in order to illuminate the Well Park light for future generation. good luck with the reunion idea. anything i can do to help towards the reunion, just let me know.
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Comment Wall (5 comments)

At 4:16pm on March 15, 2008, pat griffin said…
At 6:44am on March 16, 2008, Paul Tran said…
Hello Di Tam
At 1:15am on March 19, 2008, Chi Pham said…
Hello co Hong,

I don't think you remember me but I kind of remember you. Co phai co la em cua bac Tong gai khong? Di cua chau la di Nghiem ban hoc duoc si voi co Hanh. Chau moi duoc ong ba Connell va ba Griffin to the reunion. Hy vong la co va g/d co the tham du. Muc dinh chinh la de cam on the Wellpark crew da cho minh mot cai second chance in life. Cai thu hai la de ho biet la minh se khong bao gio quen cai on cuu mang. Neu khong co ho minh se khong co ngay hom nay. Va thu ba la de moi nguoi co dip gap lai sau 30 nam. Sau dip nay khong biet chung nao se gap lai. Cuoi cung la de cho con chau sinh de sau nay ben My hay ben Anh co the chung kien duoc tan mat su hop mat day suc dong de tui no appreciate life more. Chu minh ke chuyen tui no nghe roi bo ngoai tai.

Since you and you husband have been working with the Vietnamese refugee community, maybe you still have contact with our boat group please invite them to our site to see if any of them can join us at the reunion especially dam nguoi Hoa cua tau minh. Rat cam on co, Chi
At 2:24am on May 4, 2008, Chi Pham said…
Hi co Hong,

I need your help in locating Ms Liz Thomas since you have been working with the Vietnamese refugee community in London you may have run into her. She was the young Brit at the time in her early twenty. She came and helped taking care of us when we first settle in Kensington. She spent a lot of time with the children. We would like to get a hold of her. Thanks co Hong.

Ah one more favor to ask co Hong, since you write very well if you could help us write a passage in our memory book. Let me know, Chi
At 3:36am on December 23, 2020, Sheila Terrault said…

Hello .

I am Mrs. Sheila Terrault, an aging widow suffering from long time illness (Esophageal Cancer). I have some important information (charity proposal) for you, May God continue to bless you, Please reply (sheilaterrault@gmail.com) for more details.

your sister in the Lord,
Mrs. Sheila Terrault.

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