Wellpark Reunion 2013 - London

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Paul Tran
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Paul Tran's Friends

  • Gabriel Tuan Thanh Tran
  • Craig Holmes
  • nth
  • Denise
  • Jo
  • Mike Newton
  • Thuy Pham AKA Bich Thuy
  • Hieu Tran
  • Chi Pham

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Paul Tran's Page

Profile Information

Your Name:
Paul Tung Thanh Tran
About Me:
I was 4 years old when rescued by the Wellpark ship and have been living in London ever since then.

My parents are Mr and Mrs Tran Van Tong. My brother and cousin are on here too!!! Would love to join you guys in August but will be here in London instead. Have fun all.... who knows, I might organise one for here as well!
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Comment Wall (17 comments)

At 12:02am on March 12, 2008, Thuy Pham AKA Bich Thuy said…
Hi Paul,
If I guess correctly, your Vietnamese name is Tung and you are the yougest of six brothers.
I am sorry that you will not able to come in August to our reunion. Will you ask your parents, family members and friends to see if they would like to join us?
It would problably be our "One and Only" reunion for everyone that were a part of the refugees rescued by the Wellpark ship.

At 2:48pm on March 12, 2008, Paul Tran said…
Hi Chi Thuy,

Yes it's me, Tung Thanh Tran. My brother Anh Thoi is on here too, you may of met, my cousin Andy Nguyen (Huy) is on here too.

The reunion sounds great and we were also thinking of doing the same here in London for whoever is closer to the UK. My parents still get Xmas cards from Capatain Conner and his wife every year!

I will ask around my family and friends to see who can make it as part of their scheduled holiday time. Who knows, I might even make a last minute booking if there's a chance.

Unfortunately, I don't remember anyone from Wellpark apart from my family as I was only 4 at the time.

I'm still thinking of using our Wellpark story as the basis for a screenplay that I want to develop. I've been in touch with Jo Wall on here and we've still yet to meet up.

I hope all is well in the OC... take care.

Paul Tung Tran
At 12:39am on March 13, 2008, Thuy Pham AKA Bich Thuy said…
Hi Paul,

I remember you really well because at that time you hang out with my cousin Luan. You were such a cute 4 years old! I still can picture you face clearly.

Anyway, I met anh Thoai and his family. We had a mini reunions a few times last year. I also remember your other brothers, Thuan, Tuan, Tho and 1 more.

I am glad that you are thinking of doing a reunion in the UK. Best of luck to you.

Take care,

At 2:12pm on March 14, 2008, Peter Huynh said…
Hey Coz,

Haven't spoken to you in over 3 years but strange to find some conversation strands for you on this website which I received from C Fenton. Hope all is well with you and family. Sorry you couldn't attend my wedding but I'm looking to visit London in the summer and maybe we can catch up then. I will be returning with my wife Christine and baby girl Elizabeth. I'll see you then unless you are planning a trip to Miami. speak soon, tao
At 8:14am on March 15, 2008, Paul Tran said…
Hello Cuz!!!

Great to see you on here too. Again, congrats on the marriage and new baby girl. It would be fantastic to see you all in the summer. Email me to meet up - ciaofornow@gmail.com, send me some pics of the family when you get a chance mate.

I don't think I know who C Fenton is but would be glad to talk.

Hope all is well with you in Miami and your mum tells me that all you guys are so busy working there... not like sunny London hey!

Anyway, take care and keep in touch.

Cuz Tung / Paul
At 3:06am on August 8, 2008, Thuy Pham AKA Bich Thuy said…
Hi Paul (Tung),

I am glad that you are coming to the reunion. I can't wait to see you in August. I remember you used to play with my cousin Luan. You were the cutest kid in block A.

Thanks for recent pictures.

At 6:42am on August 8, 2008, Patrick Cuong T. Nguyen said…
Hey cuz,

I was just talking to Phil last night about going to the reunion. We will be in town but probably will not be able to attend the reunion. Maybe we can get together after and have somewhat of a mini-reunion with Van and her family. Take care cuz and see you soon mate.
At 7:15am on August 9, 2008, Paul Tran said…
hey cuz,

It would be great to see you again and also the twins!! I hope you can all make it for the reunion too.

Take care dude..
At 8:58pm on September 2, 2008, Craig Holmes said…
Oi Geeza, Diamond D Geezer, in fact!

Really good to see you on Sunday, Mate. Nice to hear another cultured Sarf Landun accent. Not too many of us about in Sarf California was there?

I see Thuy said you were the cutest kid in Block A... what happened, Mate?

I will race you to get to Sunny Surrey, before you get down here. Free accommodation and beer here, Dude. I will probably be over that way within 18 months, I would guess. maybe a pint in the Cartoon or the Fox & Hounds, if they're still there. Last time I visited the F&H, I was mob-handed with the Old Bill on a drugs raid! Has it changed at all?

advara@gmail.com is me.


At 9:57am on September 10, 2008, Paul Tran said…
Hello Geez!!! Absolutely great to of finally met you too...will email soon matey, just settling back in London now from the wonderful short trip in Cali.

Take care for now dude.



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