Wellpark Reunion 2013 - London

News and Information About the 2013 Reunion

Diep Quan
  • Female
  • London
  • United Kingdom
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Diep Quan's Friends

  • Craig Holmes
  • Laura
  • Howie Luong
  • Angie Nguyen
  • pat griffin
  • Huy Nguyen
  • Carmel Fenton
  • Jo
  • Mike Newton

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Diep Quan's Page

Profile Information

Your Name:
Diep Quan
About Me:
I was 9 years old when we left Vietnam. There were 11 members of our family on the boat. Most of us have settled in London.
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Diep Quan's Blog

Wellpark Survivors story online

Hello everyone

Here's the link to a story about us written by Chris McGreal

Vietnamese boat people: living to tell the…


Posted on March 20, 2016 at 11:11am

5 minute film of the London reunion

Dear all

Mark Martinez, our lovely cameraman from the evening, is very happy to share with you all a 5 min film of the footage of the events of the day.…


Posted on December 8, 2013 at 4:56am — 1 Comment

A Poem by Phuong Nhi

I received this message from Nghia Hua, a member of our MT151 family:

This (event) gave inspiration to my daughter (Phuong Nhi) to write a poem about 'The Boat People' for her English…

Posted on November 26, 2013 at 2:51pm — 2 Comments

Photos of Wellpark Reunion on Sat 19 October 2013

Hello everybody

My apologies for the wait.  The photos took me a while to upload as there are many and they are quite large files.  I hope they bring back fond memories for you of a most wonderful day.

For those not able to attend the event, we hope to share that special day with you through these photos.

Please click on the link to view the album


Lots of…


Posted on November 20, 2013 at 4:11pm — 2 Comments

Story in the Greenock Telegraph

The Greenock Telegraph published Calum MacMillan's story of the the Wellpark Reunion.  I have scanned it here to share with you.  It is on their website but you have a pay a subcription to view it.



Posted on November 4, 2013 at 2:13pm

Comment Wall (19 comments)

At 2:30pm on March 19, 2008, Carmel Fenton said…

Are you the lady in Jo's film ?

Carmel x
At 3:47pm on March 19, 2008, Diep Quan said…
Hi Carmel

Yes I am. It's good to hear from you.

I'm very grateful to have had the opportunity to contribute to Jo's documentary. It's a story I need to tell often to keep its memories alive in my mind. I have a 3 year old daughter and when she's old enough to understand, it's a way for me to tell her about my past and my heritage.

At 8:07am on March 24, 2008, Carmel Fenton said…
Your daughter is beautiful !!!! I also have a 3 1/2 year old daughter and she has watched the film a couple of times, mostly she thinks its a game to spot her Grandad though ! but in time I know it will be something she will be proud to have a link with and also a really cool thing to know about. Just left a message on Howie's page to say what the film and what it means to me but don't want to start being gushy on everyone's page !!!!
At 8:49am on March 28, 2008, Angie Nguyen said…
Hi Diep!

I recognise you from the documentry. So glad you joined this forum - it's saves me from having to track you down hehehe! Towards the end of the film, you revealed something you hadn't told anyone for almost 30 years. It's regarding the 2 figures you saw on the boat while you were standing on the Wellpark. I'd like you to elaborate as it would mean so much to me.

Many thanks,
At 4:26pm on April 21, 2008, Angie Nguyen said…
Hi chi Diep,

I edited my earlier response to you as I felt it was a little personal.,,

Thank you for your vivid account of what you saw. I doubt it was your imagination as other people have recalled similar ghostly appearances. It seems to be the spirit of my dear father who passed away on the journey. My father was in a confused state of mind prior to jumping into the sea. Therefore, it's consoling to read that you felt these figures to be relaxed. His spirit has appeared several times afterwards. It has been puzzling to understand as to why my father was compelled to hold on to a 25L can and jump? Other people have also told me your theory, which you assumed in your documentry interview that , "... one soul to save the fate of the boat". Even your cousin anh Sieu questions this in his Welcome Text for this website. I had a bit of a cry when reading that.
Again, it's consoling to think my father's death was not in vain. I'm also humbled that you remembered to speak of him and your cousin mentioning him too. It's as if he was not erased from the history of Wellpark, as we could easily have done so - concentrating on the good outcomes and not dwelling on the sad ones. At least my children will read this website, watch Jo Wall's documentry and know that their grandfather also made the journey 30 years ago. Obviously, his name was not recorded on the list of survivors (which is posted up too). So, I'd like to mention his name was Dung Nguyen. A husband, father, uncle & brother to many of our Wellpark family.
At 1:03pm on October 1, 2008, pat griffin said…
Just saw you on TV again........did you managed to get to LA? I cant remember seeing you.
At 3:38pm on October 2, 2008, Huy Nguyen said…
Hi Diep,
I hope you like the show, you and Paul spoke fluently unlike me. I though that you got the story across very well "we have a few hours...". I will upload the video I made at the reunion soon.
Regards to your family
At 10:36pm on October 4, 2008, K Tran said…
Hello Diep,
Hope all is well.
It 's nice to see you again ... on film (the Inside Out from BBC). I was so touched to learn the ordeal you went through.
At 1:58pm on October 5, 2008, Carmel Fenton said…
Another good job on the TV.... hope you are well
At 4:39pm on October 5, 2008, Huy Nguyen said…
Hi Diep,
The children love the show! They told everybody in schools to watch it. The headteacher is asking me to give a talk to the children which I will accept.
The two older girls knew a bit about the rescue beforehand as they use it for their school homework.
We should try to trace the Wellpark people remain in the UK, do you know any?

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