Wellpark Reunion 2013 - London

News and Information About the 2013 Reunion

Villa Mick
  • Male
  • Worcester, UK
  • United Kingdom
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Villa Mick's Friends

  • William McGhee
  • Craig Holmes
  • ohlenschlager
  • Mike Newton

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Profile Information

Your Name:
Mick Moran
About Me:
I was a Senior Cadet on the Wellpark at the time of the rescue. I went on to be 3rd Officer with Denholm and 2nd Officer with Worldwide Shipping. I left the sea in 1983 and took a job as Store Manager with Tandy. In 1985 I retrained and took a job in IT. I am now aa Project Manager with an IT company. I have three children and live in Worcester, UK.
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Comment Wall (7 comments)

At 11:59am on December 5, 2008, Mike Newton said…
Hey, Villa Mick!!! Great to see you here. Please add some photos of yourself. I've searched all my pictures and discovered you are not in any of them. You must have been on a different watch.

To everyone else, Mick was one of the senior cadets in the lifeboat. I wonder who the child was that he described as sticking to him like fly-paper!
At 3:16pm on December 6, 2008, pat griffin said…
Hello Mike, I am Andy Griffin wife, I remember him mentioning you, do you remember him?
At 2:30pm on October 3, 2013, ohlenschlager said…

I tried to re-organise my schedule but the penalty would have been spending Christmas and New Year in Saudi so unfortunately I will be unable to make it.

At 5:21pm on October 5, 2013, Craig Holmes said…

Hello Mick,

Good to hear from you. Yep, I headed South in 2004, still playing with ships for a living, as a pilot in Otago Harbour and punting cruise ships from Port Chalmers to Milford Sound and back. I went to the LA re-union 5 years ago and found it profoundly moving, to be honest ..and I was pre-warned by Hector that it would be. I don't think many (or perhaps any) of us realise quite what that night meant to a lot of people. I think you will find the re-union quite interesting to say the least.

Unfortunately, partly due to work commitments leaving me only about a week to visit and the extra baggage of having to visit the rellies in the UK, means it's just not a runner this time, which is a pity but we've already pencilled in the Montreal re-union if it transpires in 5 years time: I'm sure it will.

Maybe we can keep in touch and when I'm next in the UK we'll have a meet somewhere. I'm on advara@gmail.com.

Have a good time at the re-union. You'll enjoy it.




At 1:51am on October 7, 2013, William McGhee said…


Good to hear from you after all this time. You have lost none of your wit and erudition Mick and yes I am a good clean living sober (mostly) citizen. I am not sure about going to London, there do not seem to be that many cadets attending so...maybe's aye, maybe's no. Cheers

At 1:51am on October 21, 2013, William McGhee said…

Mick, dinna fret, no response means doing something else or chilling. I hope the reunion was a success and many memories shared. I have a memory of long hair, many exciting incidents and yes a bus (vaguely). I spend much of my time trying to keep the show on the road with a small organisation that does mostly overseas work so my time on social network stuff is limited and sporadic. I attach a link to our website which gives you an idea and saves me trying to explain. http://bioclimate.net/  Cheers.

At 9:19pm on May 20, 2020, James Pollard said…

Good Day,

How is everything with you, I picked interest on you after going through your short profile and deemed it necessary to write you immediately. I have something very vital to disclose to you, but I found it difficult to express myself here, since it's a public site.Could you please get back to me on ( mr.jamespollard01@gmail.com ) for the full details.Have a nice day
Thanks God bless.

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