Wellpark Reunion 2013 - London

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andrew dryburgh
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Andrew dryburgh's Friends

  • Rory MacLean
  • ohlenschlager
  • pat griffin
  • Carmel Fenton
  • Mike Newton
  • Marcie Nguyen, aka Vu~Thanh Ha`
  • Chi Pham

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Comment Wall (15 comments)

At 6:59am on April 17, 2008, ohlenschlager said…
Hello there. Well what a blast from the past. Was it Sweeney Todd.
At 8:48pm on May 4, 2008, Craig Holmes said…
G'day Andy,

Hope all's well. i have a recollection of last seeing you in Montrose when i was mate on one of Carisbrooke's coasters and you were the cargo super or some such similar role.

I'm still chucking ships around as a pilot in the Sunny Dunny at Port Chalmers. The Otago region is full of ex-pat Scots who settled the region a couple of hundred years ago. I can't get away from you! More pipe bands here than the Edinburgh Tattoo.

How's life at your end?


At 2:33am on May 5, 2008, Craig Holmes said…
Aha! The Betty-C. I wasn't sure which one it was. She was later my first prestigious command and I never really got out of the bottom end of the market. I was with Carisbrooke, on and off, for a few years and then spent 5 years as a copper in the Met, as a way of getting ashore. The RFA tempted me back with an offer to pay for my study leave and after that I became a shipowning partner with Carisbrooke (not one of my better ideas). After that I got in as a pilot in the Bristol Channel for ABP in south east Wales. Then just over 3 years ago I got this job down here. It's a one way ticket and I won't be back. We love it here.

If your serious about sniffing around down here, biff your cv to me at cholmes@portotago.co.nz and I'll punt it round the bazaars. We just took a tug master on last month. Fancy piloting?


At 11:38pm on May 20, 2008, Chi Pham said…

Nice recap of what happened that stormy night 30 years ago. Thanks for spending the time writing it down. I would like to have your permission to use it on our memory book. Let me know. Chi
At 9:47am on July 6, 2008, parahandy said…
hi andy, long time indeed. Stuck to the job, reached the dizzy heights of old man with an offshore lot, diving, pipelay, etc. been oilfield trash for the last 20 years, getting tired of it. 30 years is a long time. Thinking about getting out while I still have hair, teeth and a sound bladder. What about you?
At 1:59pm on September 10, 2008, Carmel Fenton said…
Oh I remember my Dad talking about never getting relief and no one to cover - rotten !!! Well was thiking of you and Mike you both would have loved it. I think in my head I thought there were quite a few boats going backwards and forwards, I really should have paid more attention to Dad's story.
If you have any other bits of info that would be cool.

Hope your spell at sea is going ok...take care x
At 2:37pm on September 11, 2008, Carmel Fenton said…
Andy - forgot to say to get the message if you look at the top of the web page there will be a black line and top left there will be a little email envleop and new, if you click on there
At 1:42pm on September 13, 2008, Ronald Alexander Beaton said…
last time I remember see you was on the quay side in Aberdeen - unless my mind is playing tricks. Some one on my present vessel told me my name was mentioned on this site.It has brought back some interesting memories. I would like to get in touch with Richard grace as we shared a flat together at College if you are still in touch
At 12:09pm on December 30, 2009, Rory MacLean said…
Dryburger! Marvellous. I thought you were dead! How're things since BP?
At 5:04am on January 12, 2010, Rory MacLean said…
Hiya Andy,
Glad to hear your still kicking. I still have the "crucifixion" reference you wrote for me. Didn't do me any good though.
Left the sea in '99 to work at Fawley as MIO. Left there last year and not working. Health issues. Awra best

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