Wellpark Reunion 2013 - London

News and Information About the 2013 Reunion

Chi Pham's Comments

Comment Wall (52 comments)

At 3:04pm on March 11, 2008, pat griffin said…
Hello, my daughter Carmel said you were trying to contact me?
At 5:32am on March 12, 2008, Janey Phung said…
Yeahhhhh, Trang nho*' ro^`i... Wow mu*`ng qua'.... Chi co' so^' phone cho Trang kho^ng? Trang se? go.i cho Chi to^'i nay. Thu?y co' cho Trang bie^'t la` Tu' ba^y gio*` cu~ng o*? ga^`n Chi, him co' kho?e kho^ng? da.o na`y him the^' na`o. Tha^'y mo.i ngu*o*`i ho.p ma(.t vui qua', Trang cu~ng tha^'y no^n la('m...
At 6:56am on March 15, 2008, Angie Nguyen said…
Hi Chi,

Thanks for your message.

I was 4 back in 1978. I left with my family of 12 people in total. Unfortunately, one passed away on the journey.

I still reside in London, UK - and I'm a mother to 4 beautiful children.

Your efforts to organise this reunion is commendable. However, I'm unable to attend as my family have already planned a holiday to VN. I'm sure the event will be a success and an emotional one too.

Reading the account of our boat trip & subsequent rescue has been inspiring. Firstly, for the bravery of our people who risked their lives to the perils of the sea. Secondly, for the humanitarian efforts of the Wellpark crew whom we all owe so much gratitude. Thirdly, it has been a closure for myself to verify what happened, when I was too young to comprehend yet still able to remember. Finally, the 2nd generation & maybe even the 3rd (if you are lucky), can experience and appreciate how they came to live a western lifestyle and all the benefits that it entails.
I hope the last 30 years have been good to you all. That you have a zest for life which almost could have been extinguished on the treacherous waters. Also, that you have had the opportunity to do some charitable deeds yourself. "What goes round, comes round"

Kindest regards,
At 8:11am on March 24, 2008, Carmel Fenton said…
Hi Chi

I just looked at the members page its really growing, just wanted to say well done in managing to set something up that is rounding everyone up !!
At 12:07am on March 25, 2008, Thao Truong Pascual said…
Hi there. Yes, my life is busy with 3 boys and a medicine career. I would like to help but you will have to give me some advance notice. Do you know how I can get a copy of the Wellpark Story film?
At 1:11am on March 26, 2008, Dao Nguyen said…
Hi Chi,
I am so glad to be able to talk to you on line. I need to send you my check but I do not have all the informations. Please email me those details. I think that everybody would love to have the photos that you have put on the slide show, so we can make a CD and use that for "gay quy" and we can have more fund to use for our guests. If co Hieu can ask people to write and we cam have a Ky Yeu, we can use that to gay quy as well. We can also ask each family to send you their picture in 1982 and their pictures now with all the additons in the family, and we can put that in our ky yeu book, that would be nice. Hope that you can use my ideas.
I would like to find an official letter about the reunion to give it to a person that was on our boat at that time (he was 14yo) but cannot find such letter in my file. If you have that, just email me. Thank you
Co Dao
At 11:05am on April 2, 2008, Jo said…
Hi Chi,
Sorry for the delay in writing but I do not have internet at home so can only use it whilst at work!
Well done with this website..it looks great. Have you tried getting in touch with any other crew members? When I was making the film I rang up loads of numbers and scoured the British telephone directories.
I have been thinking more and more about coming out to the reunion and filming it. What do you think? I could use some of the interviews from the first film and re-interview people and also film the actual reunion. I think it could make a lovely film...do you know how many crew members are coming over for it? I could help track down some more if you like - (though unfortunately my notebook with all my info was lost when my handbag was stolen from a pub in London in the middle of making the film).
Let me know what you think.
Take care, Jo
At 11:53pm on April 2, 2008, Thuy Pham AKA Bich Thuy said…
Hey Chi, you should invite anh Ho, anh Hai, and ask anh Hai to forward this website to And Duc and the people who used to work at Kensington Barracks. Who know, anh Hai may make another trip out here to see everybody. Thuy
At 1:15pm on April 5, 2008, NGUYEN THANH SANG said…
Hello chi Pham,
Neu toi doan khong lam ten chi luc o trai Kensington Barrack la CHI phai khong ?
Sang N.(Tai cong MT151 )-Montreal-Canada
At 8:27am on April 6, 2008, K said…
Anh Kiet ,
Well done , i am very impress and so pround of you ,
keep it up ,
i hope to see you somedays
At 6:54am on April 17, 2008, ohlenschlager said…
I don't think I am in any of those pictures, but I was always a bit camera shy. I was on watch on the bridge when the flare was sighted and I was in the lifeboat when it was launched I remember that much.
At 7:31am on April 17, 2008, Danny To-tin Vuong said…
Hi Chi,

My parents are Van Nghi(Vanessa) Tran and Gia T Vuong. Thank you for your time and effort in creating/maintaining this site. Now i have a clearer picture of the history and just how lucky we all were to be rescued.
At 6:22am on April 22, 2008, Angie Nguyen said…
Hi chi Chi

No, I didn't get your email. But I've done as you advised....
At 7:13am on April 29, 2008, Dieu-Chi said…
Don't sweat it Chi. Now that we have a mean to connect; I promise we will talk. Anh Tung (my husband) is looking to take a vacation in CA for me to meet everyone so I can stop nagging him. Will call Soon.

At 1:30am on April 30, 2008, Bui Thi Nham said…
Dear Chi Pham

Bay gio em lon va dep ghe nhi, chi nhan khong ra day. Em con nho chi Nham khong? Hoi o London chi lam cho hoi BCAR voi ong Robert Hood day. Vai hang tham em va toan gia quyen moi dieu may man nhe.

Chi: Nham va gia-dinh
At 10:13am on May 2, 2008, Marcie Nguyen, aka Vu~Thanh Ha` said…
Ehh.. Say who? I can't even crack a note now aday, leave alone compose a 3 to 4 minutes song.
Anh Duc "xui' da.i", I am not signing up for that for sure :-)
At 11:11am on May 2, 2008, Mike Newton said…
Try Janey Phung. Modesty wouldn't allow her to suggest it herself
At 2:46am on May 4, 2008, Bui Thi Nham said…
Hello Chi

Thank you for three messages which I read today (Sunday May 4 2008), unfortunately I have only a few minutes to get on a train to go to London to visite my children and grand-sons, so I do not have time to write to you longer but I will do so when I get back home on May 11. Is that alright? I'm very glad to hear that you are with your parents, aunts and sisters in the USA and all doing well.

Write to you soon

All the best

Chi: Nham & Family
At 3:34am on May 4, 2008, Mike Newton said…
Hi Chi,

Yes, I saw that message, and this is my attempt to write up the story from what I saw. I hope it will encourage more to do their bit. I only saw and experienced some things. Graham MacQueen, Andy Dryburgh and Mark Ohlenschlager were in the lifeboat. Come on guys, even if it is just a few lines, your memories will mean so much to the Vietnamese. And Hector, where is your input?!

And as for the Vietnamese, adults and children alike, tell us, the crew of Wellpark what your journey was like from when you left Vietnam. It is the part of the story that the crew of Wellpark know so little about.

I will continue to add what I remember, so it may jog other people's memories, and I hope add them to this site. We all became one special family on Wellpark, our lives joined together on one ship alone at sea. Let's all do our utmost to bring that family together one more time.
At 7:56pm on May 4, 2008, Craig Holmes said…
G'day Chi

I will trawl through my old photographs and see if I can find some of the Wellpark and my visit to Kensington Barracks soon after I got home to England. I'll post anything I find on the Reunion site.
It's short notice for me to try to get out to LA for the August reunion but I'm not ruling it out. Cost is not really a problem; it just depends on what work commitments I have. I'll let you know for sure if I can get there. I'm pleased to see that most, if not all, of you have done well since your exodus but then, I seem to remember that it became obvious very soon after we picked you up that you were a driven and talented bunch of people. Well done. I hope to see as many as possible of you soon.



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